10 Best Dry Skin Ingredients to Moisturize Your Skin

10 Best Dry Skin Ingredients to Moisturize Your Skin

Dry skin can be both uncomfortable and challenging to manage. However, with the right blend of ingredients, it's entirely possible to effectively moisturize and rejuvenate your skin. Trilipiderm, a leading innovator in skincare, harnesses the power of potent plant-based ingredients to provide dry skin with the relief and protection it needs.

Here's a deep dive into the ten best ingredients for dry skin that Trilipiderm, renowned for its tested and approved skincare products, incorporates into its formulas.

Hyaluronic Acid: The Super-Moisturizer

Hyaluronic acid, thanks to its unique chemical structure, has an unparalleled ability to bind and retain water molecules. In fact, it can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water! When it comes to dry skin, this quality turns out to be a magic bullet.

The science behind hyaluronic acid's superpower is found in how it functions as a humectant. Humectants are ingredients that absorb moisture from their surroundings and seal it into the skin. This property enables hyaluronic acid to draw moisture from the ambient environment and even deeper layers of the skin, delivering it to the skin’s outer layer (epidermis) where dryness is most evident.

However, the benefits of hyaluronic acid extend beyond just hydration. This wonder ingredient also contributes to the skin's overall fullness and elasticity. Having sufficient hyaluronic acid in the skin can help maintain a plump, youthful appearance, reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a smooth texture.

Moreover, unlike some other potent skincare actives, hyaluronic acid is compatible with all skin types, including the most sensitive or breakout-prone. It is non-irritating and does not clog pores, making it a universal inclusion in skincare products.

In addition, most forms of hyaluronic acid have a lightweight texture and are easily absorbed, meaning they can deliver all these benefits without leaving a heavy, greasy residue on the skin's surface. This is why products like Trilipiderm's Rehydration Night Crème can feel so luxurious and comforting, without adding any extra weight to the skin.

Meadowfoam Seed Oil: Your Skin's Natural Best Friend

Meadowfoam seed oil, a key component in Trilipiderm skincare products, originates from the seeds of the meadowfoam plant, scientifically known as Limnanthes Alba. This plant, native to the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, earns its whimsical name from the sea of white foam appearance of its flowers in full bloom.

Meadowfoam seed oil has a unique fatty acid composition that closely resembles human sebum (natural skin oil). Sebum is the skin's way of moisturizing and protecting itself. It contains triglycerides, wax esters, and fatty acids. Meadowfoam seed oil mimics this composition, making it one of the best botanical oils for skin hydration and protection.

When applied, meadowfoam seed oil has one of the highest levels of oxidative stability, meaning it doesn't go rancid quickly and preserves the effectiveness of other ingredients. Its lipid profile, composed of long-chain fatty acids, also gives this oil a unique, luxuriously rich texture that is non-greasy and easily absorbed by the skin.

Because it blends into the skin so seamlessly, meadowfoam seed oil aids in locking in moisture and forming a natural protective barrier to prevent water loss. This makes meadowfoam seed oil skincare incredibly efficient at combating dryness, chapping, and other symptoms of skin dehydration.

Simultaneously, the antioxidant properties of meadowfoam seed oil can also help combat harmful free radicals that induce skin aging. It's especially rich in Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant in itself and one that enhances the oil's ability to revitalize, nourish, and firm up the skin, enhancing its natural radiance.

Vitamin E: The Antioxidant Protector and Moisturizer

Vitamin E is not a new name in the field of skincare. This fat-soluble nutrient exists in eight chemical forms: alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherol and alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocotrienol. Alpha-tocopherol is the most common and most potent form you'll discover on product ingredient lists. It's recognized for its antioxidative properties, shielding your complexion against environmental stressors while also offering moisture-retention benefits.

Vitamin E is naturally found in our skin but is steadily depleted due to environmental exposure. Fortunately, we can replenish this vital antioxidant by using it topically in skincare products, including creams, lotions, and serums.

Antioxidant That Protects Your Skin

Vitamin E is an exceptionally potent antioxidant, offering robust protection against the harmful effects of free radicals. The antioxidant fortifications of Vitamin E neutralize these harmful radicals, safeguarding your skin against such destructive damage. Its photoprotective properties also serve to defend your skin against damage from exposure to UV light.

Moisturizer That Soothes Your Skin

Beyond its role as an antioxidant, Vitamin E performs a significant role in skin hydration and barrier function. It fortifies the skin barrier, helping seal in the skin's natural moisture, making it an excellent ingredient for dry skin formulas. Resultantly, it helps to reduce water loss from the skin, maintaining an optimal level of hydration and promoting a plump, healthy appearance.

Its moisturizing abilities extend to healing, too. Vitamin E can alleviate dry, itchy, or inflamed skin, providing relief from discomfort. Its anti-inflammatory properties further make it a suitable ingredient for those with sensitive or irritated skin.

Squalane: The Olive-Derived Hydration Hero

Squalane is derived from olives, but it also occurs naturally in our skin's sebaceous glands. Not to be confused with squalene (with an 'e'), squalane (with an 'a') is the hydrogenated, more stable version of squalene. This stable compound offers numerous benefits to the skin, including exceptional hydration and compatibility with all skin types.

A Natural Moisturizer

Squalane is a remarkable moisturizer due to its molecular structure, which closely matches the skin's natural oils. This structural similarity allows your skin to recognize it as a naturally occurring oil and absorb it rapidly leaving no greasy residue. Because it is lightweight, squalane feels luxurious on the skin, making it a popular addition to various skincare products.

Undoubtedly, one of squalane's most attractive features is its exceptional hydration capabilities. On the skin's surface, it creates a breathable barrier that helps to lock in moisture, enhancing the overall hydration levels. Furthermore, squalane has emollient properties, meaning it softens and smooths the skin, enhancing your skin's texture and overall appearance.

Benefits for All Skin Types

Another key advantage of squalane is its compatibility with all skin types – sensitive, oily, combination, and even acne-prone. You don't have to worry about irritation or clogged pores with squalane-infused products, as the natural oil mimicry ensures seamless integration with your skin's oil production while not compromising its delicate balance.

It also possesses antioxidant properties, which can help protect your skin from environmental stressors and free radicals known to contribute to premature aging.

Glycerin: A Well-Loved Humectant for All Skin Types

Glycerin, also known as glycerol, is a time-tested staple in the skincare world. You will find this potent yet gentle ingredient in a wide range of products from cleansers and toners to moisturizers and masks.

A Powerful Humectant

At its core, glycerin is a humectant, a class of substances that draw water to the skin. By attracting water to the top layer of the skin (the stratum corneum), glycerin helps to maintain the skin's outer barrier and keep it hydrated, making it an essential ingredient in combating dry, dehydrated skin.

Glycerin not only pulls water from deeper skin layers and the environment into the surface layer of the skin but also helps to lock it in. This ability to maintain water content makes glycerin a fundamental aid in preserving skin's softness and suppleness. Regular use of products containing glycerin can lead to increased skin hydration, improved skin barrier function, and reduced evaporation of skin's natural moisture.

Gentle and Suitable for All Skin Types

Another key standpoint of glycerin is its gentleness, making it suitable for all skin types, including the most sensitive. Unlike some other skincare ingredients, glycerin doesn't typically cause allergic reactions or irritate sensitive skin. Instead, it often helps calm the skin and promote healing.

Aloe Vera: The Soothing and Hydrating Wunderkind

Aloe vera has long been revered in the worlds of wellness and skincare for its plethora of benefits. Originating from the aloe species of plants, this natural extract blends perfectly into skincare formulations due to its soothing, hydrating, and cooling properties.

A Reservoir of Soothing Relief

Aloe vera is particularly noted for its ability to alleviate discomfort on dry, irritated, and inflamed skin. Its active components, including vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids, work together to provide anti-inflammatory effects. This characteristic makes aloe vera an excellent choice for skincare formulations designed to soothe redness, itching, and irritation, including after-sun products and lotions for sensitive skin.

Apart from its soothing properties, aloe vera is also an effective skin healer. Its ability to speed up skin cell reproduction contributes directly to wound healing, making it a beneficial addition to acne treatment and recovery routines.

Hydrating and Cooling without Heaviness

Aloe vera brings hydrating benefits to the skin, providing moisturization without the heaviness that often accompanies emollient ingredients. This makes it a popular choice for skincare products meant for oilier skin types or those who prefer a lighter touch.

Complementary Player in Antioxidant Defense

Aloe vera can also contribute to the antioxidant defense of the skin. It contains vitamins A (beta-carotene), C, and E, which are all potent antioxidants that play a key role in shielding skin from environmental stressors.

Sunflower Seed Oil: The Vitamin-E Rich Skin Enhancer

Sunflower seed oil is a prime skincare ingredient derived from sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seeds packed with vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids. It shines in its commitment to decreasing inflammation, supporting skin regeneration, and promoting the development of new skin cells, all while providing hydration and fortifying the skin's barrier.

Anti-inflammatory Companion

Sunflower seed oil contains a high concentration of omega-6 (linoleic) fatty acids, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Incorporating sunflower seed oil into your skincare regimen can help decrease inflammation caused by conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. This characteristic makes sunflower seed oil a valuable component in soothing skin products and treatments for concern-prone skin.

Promoting Skin Regeneration

Rich in vitamin E, sunflower seed oil plays a significant role in promoting skin health and regeneration. This antioxidant not only helps shield your skin from environmental stressors but also stimulates the rapid generation of new skin cells and aids in wound healing.

Enhancer of Skin Hydration

Sunflower seed oil is a natural emollient––it helps to lock in moisture, resulting in long-lasting hydration for your skin. This aspect makes it an excellent ingredient in moisturizers and other hydrating products, ensuring that your skin remains moisturized without feeling heavy or greasy.

Chamomile Extract: The Calming Botanical for Skin Wellness

Chamomile is renowned, not just for its soothing influence in teas, but also for its impressive benefits in skincare. Derived from the Matricaria Recutita plant, chamomile extract is a sought-after ingredient in skincare formulations due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps soothe dry skin, reduce redness, and foster a serene, well-nourished skin environment.

A Soothing Skin Ally

One of the most notable properties of chamomile extract is its ability to soothe skin irritations. It's rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that contribute to its calming and anti-inflammatory effects. Chamomile extract can help alleviate discomfort related to dry, flaky, and irritated skin by offering hydration and reducing inflammation. This makes it an ideal ingredient in products tailored for dry, sensitive, or irritation-prone skin types.

Combatting Redness and Discomfort

The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile extract don’t simply end at soothing the skin. Coupled with its antimicrobial activity, this extract can aid in reducing redness and discomfort often associated with skin conditions like rosacea, acne, or general skin sensitivities. Combining anti-inflammation and antimicrobial action, chamomile extract brings a dual benefit: calming irritated skin and mitigating potential triggers of inflammation.

Nourishment and Protection

Chamomile extract also contributes to a well-nourished, protected skin environment. It’s packed with essential oils and antioxidants that help shield the skin against damage from environmental pollutants and free radicals, key contributors to premature skin aging. By neutralizing these harmful elements, chamomile extract helps to maintain skin health and preserve a youthful complexion.

Furthermore, chamomile has been found to aid skin's natural healing process, making it a suitable ingredient for post-procedure or skin recovery products.

Beeswax: A Natural Skin Protector

Beeswax is a natural, renewable resource derived from the honeycombs of bees. Revered for its diverse properties, beeswax has found widespread use in various skincare products. It shines in its ability to form a protective barrier on the skin's surface, locking in moisture, reducing dryness, and subsequently contributing to a healthier skin complexion.

Beeswax as a Protective Barrier

Beeswax offers a crucial benefit for your skin: it forms a naturally protective barrier. This barrier works much like a shield, creating a film on the skin's surface that keeps out environmental toxins and irritants, shielding the skin from potentially harmful elements.

Simultaneously, this beeswax barrier exhibits a non-comedogenic nature, meaning it doesn't clog pores. As a result, it’s suitable for all skin types, including acne-prone skin.

Keeper of Skin's Moisture

Perhaps the most appreciated benefit of beeswax in skincare is its ability to lock in moisture. By forming a protective, hydrating layer on the skin, beeswax helps to prevent moisture loss, leaving skin looking fresh and supple. This level of hydration can significantly reduce dryness and make the skin feel smoother and more elastic.

As a humectant, beeswax also attracts water molecules, helping to keep the skin hydrated over a more extended period. This makes it ideal for skincare products marketed towards managing dry and dehydrated skin.

Soothing and Healing Properties

Beyond this protective and hydrating role, beeswax also provides mild anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. When applied, it can help soothe irritated skin and promote healing. Moreover, when combined with other ingredients like honey or botanical oils, the healing effect of beeswax can be even more significant.

Plant Sterols: The Plant-Based Skin Restorer

Plant sterols, often termed phytosterols, are naturally occurring substances found in many plants, including vegetables, fruits, and grains. As a skin-friendly element similar to human skin cholesterol, plant sterols play a significant role in restoring the skin's barrier function, reducing water loss, and making skin supple and well-moisturized.

Restoring the Skin Barrier

Plant sterols work by integrating into the skin's lipid layer, replenishing the natural lipids, and reinforcing the structural integrity of the barrier. This reinforcement proves vital in protecting the skin from potential damage and maintaining its overall health.

Retaining Moisture for Hydrated Skin

Plant sterols also excel at locking in hydration. Their lipid-like structure allows them to blend seamlessly into the skin's natural lipid structure, creating a seal that prevents the escape of water through the skin's surface. This moisture retention contributes to the maintenance of skin elasticity and suppleness, offering a skin appearance that's well-moisturized and vibrant.

Additional Skin Benefits

Beyond moisture retention and barrier repair, plant sterols offer a host of additional skin benefits. They possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe irritated skin and reduce redness. Furthermore, some plant sterols offer antioxidant benefits, helping to defend against environmental stressors that may lead to premature skin aging.


Trilipiderm stands as a testament to the efficacy of botanical-based, vegan, and cruelty-free formulas for dry skin. Tested and approved amidst the arid climate of Jackson Hole, Wyoming — one of the harshest and driest climates in the US, Trilipiderm's products promise immediate and long-term results. With ingredients such as these, their essential-oil infused Hydrating Exfoliant Cleanser for Face is a choice example of skin hydration done right.

Remember, the best defense against dry skin is a great offence. Equip your skincare arsenal with these powerful ingredients, and dry skin doesn't stand a chance.

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